Friday, July 25, 2014

Bonsai Pots for Sale, Finally


A place where you can look at my Bonsai Pots for Sale. (click Pots for Sale on left column)

Over the next few weeks I will be adding more bonsai pots as I get time - this is just the start.

So if you want to keep an eye on it, just press the SUBSCRIBE button (to the left) and any new updates to this page will be automatically emailed to you.

If you're interested in any of the pots,  or want to make any enquires, just get in touch by emailing

Thanks for looking

Fionna Burgess

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Whats this, my Kowhai has Flowers

I keep this bonsai on my full view, walk past it a dozen times a day.

We had a 10degree frost the other morning and all of the trees were glistening as the sun was coming up.

Great,  I'll take some pics I thought.

The kowhai was first on the list.

To my amazement it had at least 5 little yellow flowers nestled away in amongst the foliage. 

Crickey..... doesn't it know its the middle of winter!

A closer look,  couldn't believe my eyes. 

 There's a bit of a story behind this tree.

About 4 months ago (summer) it suddenly lost its wee leaves and I thought it was on its way out.  Perhaps it has gotten too wet or too cold.

I popped it in the shade house for a month and it came back to life.  It had me puzzled as to why this had happened.

Then I realised.

I usually keep the vegetable cooking water and pour it over my trees on the deck over the summer time.  A few extra vitamins and minerals wouldn't hurt.  Unfortunately I think that perhaps I had put some salt in with the veges as they were cooking and had poured the slightly salted water over this kowhai.  Its a wonder it didn't die completely!

Perhaps I'd given it so much of a shock that it's tried to reproduce itself by producing flowers, regardless of the season. 

Why its happened is a mystery.....but a very welcome one. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Wet Clay and Frosts Dont Mix

I know its the time of year, being winter and all.  But I never really get used to the frosts!

Yesterday we had the first decent hard frost for the winter.  Followed by another hard one this morning.

While it looked pretty out the window, it was too cold to venture out to the garage to make any #bonsai pots.

I'll show you why.
 I'd spent the previous afternoon making some small pots using warm water from the house.  Kind of got side tracked and never got back to clean up my mess.

This morning when I went out there was a nice layer of ice in my water bowl and icy wet clay in the basin of the wheel. 

 Yes, the frost managed to freeze its way into the garage.  There's usually no need for heating out there, its only a garage after all. 
Even the inside of the garage windows had a layer of frosty ice.  Really beautiful though.  The crystals almost look tree like with branches spreading out from the main trunk.   It reminds me of the decoration some people use on pots called "mocha".  It has an identical look, must try it one of these days.

The real worry with a hard frost is the fear of the freshly made pots freezing.  They contain quite a bit of water and it can freeze just like the water in the bowl.
As it freezes it expands and it will crack the clay into pieces. Especially with freshly made pots. 

You might think "what happened to your #bonsai pots?".  Well, it was pretty clear that there was going to be a beauty frost, so I cleared the small table in the lounge, covered it with newspaper, and one by one brought my wet pots inside. The larger ones went underneath.

It's the second time this week I've done it.  Its just not worth the risk when you spend so much time and effort hand making them. 
These few that I'd made were still quite sticky and wet, I'm absolutely sure that if they'd have stayed out in the garage, they would be ruined.
  Still loving the cracked look, I make these quite often now.  Been playing around with adding a little white colouring into the silicate before "cracking".  It'll be interesting to see how it shows up when they're fired.
 Oh well, it looks like his jigsaw table will be out of use for quite a few days yet.  Perhaps even a couple of months. 

Just love winter time.